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Writer's pictureKing Jordan

13 unique tips to lose weight in 2021

Updated: Jul 15, 2021

Most people are trying to lose weight by reducing the calories which is wrong because slows down the metabolism. The best method is balancing the hormones especially insulin which stops fat burning. Even training hard can be a bad idea because by stressing the body it releases cortisol which increases insulin.

So below you will find unique tips to balance hormones, speed up metabolism, and burn fat completely. As a health coach, I found out that everyone is gaining weight for different reasons and it is important to apply different strategies for each person this is why I highly recommend you to join my challenge were we going to plan a new lifestyle and diet that will lead you to have your desire weight but most important a very healthy organism.

It really is a waste of time to count calories, the strategic thing is to know what to eat to lose weight and what to avoid. Eating the right foods is important, and having certain habits that will lead you to balance the hormones that are making you gain weight.

For example, even if it is hard to believe that water can make you fat if it contains flour or Chlorine because affects the thyroid gland. If the hormones T3 and T4 are imbalanced you will gain weight and from the water of the shower chlorine arrives to your bloodstream so, I highly recommend you to purchase a filter for your shower with Chlorine Heavy Metal Remover, which costs less than 20 bucks. So, below will find unique tips for losing weight.

11 weight loss tips

1- Keep the thyroid healthy

To maintain the right body shape is important to take care of the Thyroid gland because when this gland situated in our throat is producing less hormones we gain weight. Then is strategic maintain balance on this gland because there is clinical evidence suggesting that even mild thyroid dysfunction "hypothyroidism" is linked to significant changes in body weight and represents a risk factor for overweight and obesity.

What could create imbalance in the Thyroid is the Water we drink, food with pesticides and electromagnetic pollution. I will talk later about what we need to avoid to maintain the Thyroid gland healthy but for now...

Less talk about Hypothyroidism

Weight gain may signal low levels of thyroid hormones, a condition called hypothyroidism. Obesity and hypothyroidism are two common clinical conditions that have been linked together closely. Hypothyroidism is associated with decreased metabolic rate, and has also been shown to correlate with a higher body mass index and a higher prevalence of obesity.

The thyroid produces two hormones – T4 and T3 – which circulate in the blood. T3 and T4 travel in your bloodstream to reach almost every cell in the body. The hormones regulate the speed with which the cells/metabolism work. For example, T3 and T4 regulate your heart rate and how fast your intestines process food. So, if T3 and T4 levels are low, your heart rate may be slower than normal, and you may have constipation/weight gain. This condition is what hypothyroidism is.

So, it is important to maintain balance in your Thyroid with he next tips:

Stress impacts hormones and is known to worsen inflammation. Stress can raise levels of cortisol and adrenaline, which disturbs neurotransmitter function and worsens symptoms of thyroid disease —these include low energy levels, poor mood, low concentration, disturbed appetite and weight gain, and the inability to get good sleep.

These roots have positive benefits on the production of thyroid hormones, especially for those people with hypothyroidism. Ginseng also improves the gut microbiome by acting as a prebiotic for your gut bacteria which also helps thyroid function. It is a potent antioxidant which could be another contributing factor to its support of hypothyroidism. Ginseng has also been shown to help combat fatigue and promote energy, which is helpful to do exercise.

Nettle is called the “thyroid tonic” because helps to balance both an overactive thyroid and an underactive thyroid. It is especially helpful for an underactive thyroid because it helps in reversing iodine deficiency due to its high iodine content. This herb nourishes virtually every aspect of health as well. It can be purchased in many health food stores, but you can also grow it yourself. It has another great benefits as Lower Blood Pressure, Aid Blood Sugar Control, May Treat Enlarged Prostate Symptoms and harbors a variety of compounds that may reduce inflammation.

Ashwagandha is a natural remedy for hypothyroidism is its action to produce the T4 hormone. The T4 hormone is needed to convert to T3 for proper thyroid function. Is is also useful to increase muscle mass, strength and May help reduce stress and anxiety what is important as well to loss weight. Ashwagandha is a safe supplement for most people, however, certain individuals should not take it, including pregnant and breastfeeding women. Standardized root extract is commonly taken in 450–500-mg capsules once or twice daily.

Zinc is necessary for Thyroides to produce T4 and the conversion to the active form of T3 (triiodothyronine). T4 (thyroxine) is the inactive form of thyroid hormone and does not become active until it converted into T3. Zinc is required for healthy T3 receptors in your cells so even if you have enough T3, it won’t work optimally if you are deficient in Zinc.

The aliments that contain Zinc are Legumes, Spinach, sesame seeds, mushrooms, nuts, eggs and whole grains like wheat, quinoa, rice and oats.

2 - Avoid Bromide

Bromine displaces iodine and puts you at risk for a number of health problems. The body needs iodine to make thyroid hormones. These hormones control the body's metabolism and bromide could influence gaining weight as well.

It is used as an additive in commercial bread and baked goods, it displaces the iodine uptake contributing to growing iodine deficiency provoking gain of weight as result. Currently, bromide is found in pesticides (methyl bromide), some bread products (potassium bromate), brominated vegetable oil that may be added to citrus-flavored drinks, certain asthma inhalers and prescription drugs.

Many countries outside of the US have already banned the use of bromide because Bromate was first found to cause tumors in rats in 1982. Subsequent studies on rats and mice confirmed that it causes tumors of the kidney, thyroid, and other organs.

To avoid the consumption of Bromide you should eat only organic food, because it is in pesticides. According to experts, the use of pesticides containing bromine is the main route of human bromine exposure.

Also, avoid the consumption of commercial and baked goods. As well as eating hamburgers in commercial restaurants because in those places they use that type of bread and the meat they offer is low quality and it will generate an increase in your body weight.

Bromine can also affect your: · skin · appetite · digestion · cardiovascular health. When bromine is ingested it builds up in your central nervous system and triggers a number of psychological and psychotic symptoms, like acute paranoia.

Many people with weight problems have insulin resistance which is a prediabetic condition that most ignore they have, this is why I recommend this other article talking about the topic with natural remedies that will help you to lose weight as well.

3 - Avoid the consumption of Chloride and Fluor

One of the primary contributing factors of iodine deficiency and hypothyroidism is iodine blockers in our food, and the use of chemicals such as fluoride and chloride. Even in very low concentrations, fluoride and chloride compete with the receptors in the thyroid that capture iodine and drastically slow the production of essential thyroid hormones causing Hypothyroidism, a problem linked to obesity.

Most of the chlorine (chloride) we consume comes from the treated water supply in our drinking water. The use of chlorine is also very commonly used in the treatment of public and home swimming pools. The absorption of the chlorine competes with the thyroid’s ability to uptake iodine.

Fluoridated water is used in the production of dozens of foods and beverages, including bottled water. It is also found in many drugs, supplements, toothpaste, dental treatments, and wheat products with added fluoride.

To avoid the contact of our body with these elements remember to consume only:

- Tooth paste without flour.

- Water without flour, check the information in the bottle.

- Swim in lakes or sea instead of pools. Swimming in the sea will benefit the thyroid gland.

- Clean the tap water you drink from Fluor and chloride by installing this filter system

or use this other one which price is higher but doesn´t require installation.

11 weight loss tips

4 - Clean the electromagnetic pollution

Electromagnetic pollution not only makes us feel fatigued, anxious, and negative, but it also unbalances bodily functions. They stimulate glandular activity in the short term, and by exposing the body in long term the gland ceases to work properly. This is particularly serious for the glands of the endocrine system (those that coordinate our bodily functions) since it can affect many aspects of metabolism and throw the whole body out of kilter.

It was found in 2012 that people living for six years within 100 meters of a cell phone base station showed a highly significant loss in their ability to produce thyroid hormones. The expected consequence of this is hypothyroidism are fatigue and obesity.

Another study showed that after 3 months of exposure to power line frequencies, the thyroid glands of rats showed visible signs of deterioration. They also lost their ability to produce the thyroid hormones, which they did not recover even after the fields were switched off.

How to clean the electromagnetic pollution ?

To maintain the glands protected from Electromagnetic pollution the next products are a good help to clean the home and office from this toxicity.

This box not only eliminates the harmful frequencies escaping from the wiring system at home but also will make you save money because the electricity bill is reduced by around 15% and this is because 15% of the electricity you pay is wasted. That unused electricity remains around your electronics and walls and is harmful to you, your family, and pets and it contaminates the planet. Those toxic fields imbalance the functions of the body, especially the glands. The power perfect box should be installed next to the circuit breaker.

This is the product everyone should have at home for cleaning the stagnant energy produced by electromagnetic fields that imbalance the body glands. They create a revitalizing environment similar to forest where just maintain a Life force generator on 24 hours and it going to produce a continuous flow of clean vital energy that will protect your body of the negative effects of Electromagnetic pollution.

EMFs produces dead orgone energy which is stagnant energy that make us feel tired, depressed, anxious and with lack of motivation. With this device your can create an environment that will maintain your body, cells and spirit with vitality. Also you can chose these frequencies that are beneficial for training or spiritual development

The water stores all types of frequencies even Electrosmog but the life force energy pulsed by this device Electrosmog is diluted, then I recommend to keep a bottle with water close to the Water Optimizer at home. The water will absorb the Life force and the benefits of the beverage are increased, and the taste is improved.

11 weight loss tips

5 - Drink enough living water and avoid alcohol

Drinking a lot of water will make you fat if contains flour and most of the water in plastic bottles contains flour. Then, the best to consume filtered tap water saturated with the Life force energy produced by a Water Optimizer, for more information read this other article.

To lose weight successfully, quality is more important than quantity. Dead water is what most people drink, the benefits of this low quality beverage are greatly reduced for the organism. A glass of living water equals 4 glasses of dead water in benefits for the organism.

When the water doesn´t flow for a long period, it rots, which means that its internal structure changes, it becomes horrible this is what dead water is. It is possible to change this condition in any drink with a water optimizer. When you place a bottle with water near this device, the beverage is loaded with vital force and the structure becomes beautiful like that of the water flowing in a river. As a result, the taste of water improves, it becomes softer and the benefits for the body are tripled.

Daily dose of water to lose weight...

A glass after waking up with a bit of lemon. Also is recommend it to drink a glass with water 30 minutes before each meal and around 3 liters per day. Avoiding alcohol is crucial because it dehydrates the body and consequently, it begins to retain water increasing the structure.

6 - Practice Yoga or meditation

If you meditate every day after wake up your body will keep healthy and balanced. Meditation is a very powerful spiritual practice that commonly people misunderstand, because they ignore that the spirit is just an area of our body, a field of light around us. Then meditation will balance your whole body, your glands as well, will rejuvenate you and will give you the energy you need to working out hard in the gym or do the aerobic exercise need it to mold the body and reduce weight.

Yoga can helps as well !

You can burn just as many calories (and even more fat) by doing yoga alone. When you do a series of yoga moves together, your body gets a great workout without wreaking havoc with your joints or leaving you out of breath. And you can burn just as many calories as jogging !

Research proves people who do yoga weigh 19 pounds less on average. This could be because yoga lowers cortisol levels so you’re less likely to overeat or snack. Plus yoga is a great way to burn fat and calories. And if you have not idea about How to practice it, check this Yoga course for losing weight without pain. If for any reason you’re not 100% satisfied with the results after 60 days, you’ll get a full refund this is why I am recommending it to you.

7 -  Eat mostly raw food

Eat 7 to 10 portions of different fruits and vegetables every day. Eating leaves is strategic as well. Fruits and vegetables are extremely healthy, weight-loss-friendly foods. Numerous studies have shown that people who eat more fruits and vegetables tend to weigh less.

If you want to lose weight successfully, it is better if you avoid the food showed in that video and you eat living food, which is food without conservatives and chemicals like vegetables, fruits, grains, and probiotics. It is not a problem to eat a delicious chips or desserts like cakes if they contain natural ingredients.

To optimize your weight loss results, a ketogenic diet could help as well. If you need guidance on what to eat and how to plan your meals you can get coaching sessions from a Registered Dietitian who specializes in the ketogenic lifestyle on this link. It is a great option to receive the advice from a specialist. Below are some examples of food that I recommend you to avoid to lose weight and meals I recommend to eat.

Avoid the next aliments If you want to loss weight with success...

To loss weight with success and maintain the body young and beautiful eat the next aliments

11 weight loss tips

11 weight loss tips

11 weight loss tips

11 weight loss tips

11 weight loss tips

8 - Drink the next teas frequently

Oolong Tea Drinking oolong tea frequently will help you lose weight and also does not contain caffeine, so you will not have anxiety or trouble for sleep after drinking it. Several studies have shown that oolong tea could help to weight loss by improving fat burning and speeding up metabolism. For example, in one study, 102 overweight or obese people drank oolong tea every day for six weeks, which may have helped reduce both their body weight and body fat. Sounds awesome no ? The researchers concluded that this tea improves the metabolism of fat in the body. So, why not drink it every day ? Compared to water, Oolong tea increased energy expenditure by 2.9%, the equivalent of burning an additional 281 calories per day, on average. It is also safe, however pregnant women always consult their doctor for an opinion.

White tea Drinking white tea can help you achieve your weight loss goals by speeding up metabolism by an extra 4–5% . A study published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism showed that white tea can simultaneously boost lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) and block adipogenesis (the formation of fat cells) due to high levels of ingredients thought to be active on human fat cells. This may be equal to burning an extra 70–100 calories per day. The only think is that it contains much more caffeine than a coffee, so take it before noon is recommendable to be able to sleep peacefully during the night.

The antioxidants and polyphenols in pu-erh teas also aid in digestion and fat breakdown. Studies have shown that pu-erh tea can help you lose weight when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. Pu-erh tea suppresses the synthesis of fatty acids, which can help your body stop producing higher levels of fat.

Rosemary tea is rich in diterpenes, flavonoids, phenolic derivatives, glycosides, and other phytochemicals that give it medicinal properties. The tea aids weight loss, boosts memory, prevents cancer, and aids digestion. Rosemary is naturally rich in carnosic acid, a substance that keeps the pounds off by inhibiting the formation of fat cells.

Matcha Tea I drink Matcha green tea pretty often, it is some of the best teas to maintain the body young, It's the queen of antioxidants. It is a variety of powdered green tea that may have even more powerful health benefits than regular green tea. It is an excellent fat blocker. The compound in matcha called EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) has been shown to boost metabolism and stop the growth of fat cells. Matcha tea is 10X times more potent in aiding weight loss than green tea. The antioxidants in the tea also make your skin more radiant and youthful.

9 -Take the next supplements

Several studies have concluded using apple cider vinegar for weight loss really works. They also found it works even without dietary changes. However, when drinking apple cider combined with a healthy lifestyle, the results are truly impressive.

Apple cider vinegar increases satiety(your feeling of fullness) and that’s very helpful for staying on track with your healthy diet. Especially at the beginning of your weight loss journey.

The active ingredient in Garcinia, hydroxycitric acid, or HCA, appears to block an enzyme called citrate lyase, which your body uses to make fat. It also raises levels of the brain chemical serotonin, which may make you feel less hungry.

This natural supplement is awesome because has extract of Garcinia Cambogia and Green coffe, both help to lose weight fast. Several small studies have treated mice with the extract and found that it reduced total body weight and fat accumulation significantly.


Garcinia Cambogia causes damage to the liver, so, consume that supplement for no more than 3 months and combine it with this other natural supplement that will protect your liver with the extract of Green tea and Grapeseed. By taking these compounds feel safe by taking Garcinia Cambogia, which is an excellent fruit for losing weight.

Many studies have suggested that this powerful plant could aid weight loss. Results of this study indicate that ginseng exerted a weight loss effect and slight effects on gut microbiota in all participants.

Horsetail is a potent natural diuretic. This is why horsetail tea is used for weight loss. It quickly helps to release excess water from the body and stimulate metabolism. Horsetail tea will thus help you to get rid of the excess water. However, you must reinforce its effects with regular exercise and proper nutrition.

It has anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is greatly associated with obesity or excessive fat deposition in the body. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory spice that helps reduce inflammation and associated oxidative stress, and thus be useful in losing weight.

Some studies have even found that cinnamon could increase weight loss. Cinnamon may also decrease levels of certain digestive enzymes to slow the breakdown of carbohydrates. It’s especially effective in stabilizing blood sugar, which may help reduce appetite and hunger.

One small study found that eating 14 grams of goji berries a day supports a healthy metabolism and can lead to weight loss. “A significant reduction in abdominal fat was observed as evidenced by the reduction in waist circumference with an improvement in the lipid profile of the volunteers”. Researchers wrote that the antioxidants in goji berries likely helped lower oxidative stress, which in turn contributed to weight loss.

A 2013 study published in the journal Obesity found that Jiaogulan may have anti-obesity effects. The group that was given heat-processed Gynostemma pentaphyllum extract showed a significant decrease in total abdominal fat area, body weight, body fat mass, percent body fat, and body mass index in comparison to the placebo group.

The study reported that actiponin in Jiaogulan extract brings weight reduction by activating an enzyme called AMPK or AMP-activated protein kinase. The study concluded that, “data from our study suggest that actiponin is a safe and effective antiobesity agent. In these regards, actiponin is the newly reported edible AMPK activator, thus it will be of interest to investigate long-term effect of actiponin supplementation on improving severe obesity.

10 - Control your beliefs

This tip is very important because it is proved that if you belief that eating make you fat you will get fat every time you eat something even if what you eat does not make you fat. This is something called the Nocebo effect, it’s the power of the imagination against us. There is a great evidence that eating does not make you fat. This evidence is me, a skinny guy who eats what he wants when he wants, I am living proof that eating does not make you fat.

In 2012, researchers from the Technical University of Munich in Germany published an in-depth review on the Nocebo effect. They looked at 31 empirical studies and found that not only does the Nocebo effect exist, it’s surprisingly common.

Then it is important that you recognize that what makes you fat is not eating, it is eating low quality food, the wrong aliments.

11 - Do Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting (IF) is currently one of the world’s most popular health and fitness trends. People are using it to lose weight, improve their health and simplify their lifestyles. Many studies show that it can have powerful effects on your body and brain and may even help you live longer.

By helping you eat fewer and burn more calories, intermittent fasting causes weight loss by changing both sides of the calorie equation. Studies show that intermittent fasting can be a very powerful weight loss tool. The next video is a complete guide you need to watch if you want to lose weight fast and live longer.

12 - Exercise at home

You do not want to lose weight, be honest, you want to give shape to your body and look incredible. For this, it is important that you train every day those areas that must be urgently molded; For example if you have a large belly simply spend 3 minutes a day doing abs on the floor in your own bedroom until you feel pain in the area and probably in the night as well.

By using this method, you can achieve great abs, a sexy ass, or shape any other area that needs to improve without too much sacrifice, just by working 3 minutes in the morning and 3 in the night and slowly those areas will have the desired shape without too much effort.

For example, I had one arm wider than the other, so I was exercising only one arm very often until it reached the same size as the other. I worked it every day at least 2 or 3 minutes until I feel pain but the consistency brought me fruits and I did not suffer and sacrifice a lot of time to reach the result. Of course that going to the gym is better but this is a method to start right now to mold your body.

If you have no idea what exercises to do, check this online course designed to busy parents that have no time to go to the gym. It is a tested and proven training program, easy to follow with versions for all ability levels. Also, you can visit this page where it is shown some exercises that you can do by your own for 60 seconds each one. Some of them can be done at home, require little to no equipment, and are designed to work your whole body. You only need 15-20 minutes per day to get the fat-burning and feel-good benefits. When you do not have energy, training is very difficult, on the contrary when one is energized it is quite easy and is enjoyed more that is why drinks like this shake with natural ingredients are great help to facilitate the training with enough strength. Also meditate bring you a lot of energy to move your muscles daily with ease.

13 - Take a cold shower every day

Cold showers may help you boost weight loss because some fat cells, such as brown fat generate heat by burning fat when the body is exposed to cold conditions like in a shower. The body burns more calories when it's cold in an attempt to generate body heat and maintain a healthy core temperature.

The body contains white fat and brown fat. The brown fat burns calories in order to maintain the core body temperature you need to live and be healthy. Babies tend to have high levels of brown fat, but as we age, those levels decline. As the body temperature dips slightly, you enter a phase called "nonshivering thermogenesis," during which you increase your calorie burn. As your temperature lowers even more, you'll start shivering to generate heat, which also burns calories. Thank you to be here and for sharing this content to someone you love :) I am pretty sure that this complete guide will help you to lose weight successfully, I have also published another interesting article with 10 great Tips to have a lot of energy naturally that will facilitate your training. Do not forget to subscribe to my newsletter and to follow me on Pinterest in order to keep in contact with me. I will notify you there each time that I publish a new article about fitness, wellness and personal development.

Feel free to write me an email at if you are looking for a Spiritual Life coach. I am helping busy entrepreneurs to reduce the age of their body, to maintain high performance, and feel better. What sets me apart from other coaches or even doctors is that I know that the spirit is part of our body. Then, I focus my sessions on 5 strategic elements to create a transformation in my clients which I consider my friends.




This is Cristian Jordan, the author of this blog where I talk about the best habits, products, and nutrients to promote the preservation of your body. With unique advice so you can reverse your biological age, extend your healthspan, and almost never get sick.

I invite you to take a look at my free ebook about the lifestyle that allows you to look younger,  boost your beauty, shed excess weight, fortify against diseases, and elevate your vibration and consciousness.

If you are looking to reverse your biological age, reach out to me. I specialize in guiding individuals to achieve this through powerful habits and strategic nutrition.

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