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10 herbs to build your muscles fast naturally / Organic vegan products for muscle gain

Updated: Feb 4

The following natural herbs are excellent for muscle growth, increased strength and energy during training, and muscle recovery. Consuming them will definitely help you build muscle faster and some of them are better sources of protein for the body than meat or eggs because they contain much more protein and all the essential amino acids like spirulina.

Also, I will talk about Gamma-Aminobutyric acid which is an amino acid produced naturally by your brain, but you can take it as a supplement to improve your muscle recovery by increasing the production of growth hormone, serum levels and protein synthesis. GABA is an awesome supplement that will produce dramatic effects on your muscle size and fat loss. It’s a unique supplement that produces an immediate effect.

I decided to write the next summary after asking myself How to gain muscle mass fast ? because I am a skinny vegetarian guy, working out but fasting often, so I decided to find out the best natural herbs to help my muscles grow faster. And I gathered some of the best plants that can be taken in extract for muscle building, muscle strength and better recovery.

How to build muscle fast ?

To accelerate results it is important that your body is clean of toxins to increase protein intake. On these articles I am talking about how to detox your body naturally, check them out. Also keep in mind that recovery is the most important phase after working out because by lifting bells you destroy layers of the muscle that are built again while you sleep mostly.

Getting into deep delta sleep is very important because it is during this time when your body produces the most growth hormone, which is the most important hormone for muscle growth. However, sleeping is not enough because this hormone is produced only when there is no insulin in the body, so having an early dinner and practicing intermittent fasting is strategic.

Staying hydrated is also important because muscles are made of water so drinking structured water is strategic as well as consuming enough protein, amino acids, and having elevated testosterone. Keep in mind that your maximum muscular body-weight depends mostly on your height and bone-structure. Teens gain muscle faster because they have more testosterone, but some herbs below help to increase testosterone levels.

The benefits of maintaining optimum testosterone levels are many, including:

- Improve muscle mass and strength

- Decrease body fat

- Increase bone mineral density

- Thicken body hair and skin

- Improve sexual desire

- Boost energy

- Decrease irritability and depression

- Improve cognitive function and confidence

Which are the best herbs to build muscle faster ?

The following herbs are a great source of proteins and essential amino acids that your body needs to build muscles. In addition, they will give you enough strength and energy to exercise easily, which is strategic if you want to increase muscle by carrying very heavy dumbbells. Also, they will help you to maintain your performance high, the stress levels low, good health, and your body in spectacular shape without negative effects for your body.

There are many popular supplements to increase the physical performance that uses some of the herbs below as main ingredients. One of them is Pure Power, which I recommend drinking before working out to obtain the energy necessary to facilitate training. Otherwise, it will be difficult and could lead to a lack of motivation because to grow muscles successfully you need constant training for months and next is the tablet of the contents of this article.

10 herbs to build muscles fast and naturally are:

5 herbs that will help to build your muscles fast naturally

Because Spirulina is very nutritious is quite beneficial for your health, to enhance the performance and state of the human body. Spirulina is an alga, rich in organic nitrogenous constituents. When you consume an adequate amount of protein, your body will experience something called a positive balance of nitrogen that is beneficial for building muscles.

It is undoubtedly one of the best vegan protein supplements for its impressive protein content since all the essential amino acids are present, making up 47% of the total protein weight and spirulina proteins are complete. When you eat protein, your body breaks the protein down into amino acids. Those amino acids are then used to repair and grow new muscle fibers. Amino acids, often referred to as the building blocks of proteins.

What is an amino acid ?

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, organic compounds composed of nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, along with a variable side chain group. The body needs 20 different amino acids to grow and function properly, they are compounds that play many critical roles in your body. All these are important for your health, but only nine of them you must get through your diet. They are called essential amino acids. These are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine.

Because essential amino acids are not naturally produced by the body, they must be included in the daily diet, and taking spirulina capsules is a good simple option. Based on the essential amino acids content, the use of Spirulina as a supplement food can provide the daily needs of essential amino acids. They are the main component of all tissues in the body.

The essential amino acids contents of Spirulina are leucine (55 mg g -1 ), tryptophane (10 mg g -1 ), methionine (14 mg g -1 ), phenylalanine (28 mg g -1 ), lysine (30 mg g -1 ), thionine (33 mg g -1 ), isoleucine (36 mg g -1 ) and valine (45 mg g -1 ). This superfood in combination with a system like this one designed for doubling your muscle growth will help to lean muscle faster than ever before.

Metabolically, Ashwagandha has an overall anabolic action, supporting weight gain during the natural growth phase. It has powerful effects on testosterone levels, the hormone responsible for increased muscle mass. By taking this herb in supplementation you will promote healthy levels of creatinine kinase, what reduces the natural muscle damage that happens from exercise and promoting the recovery of your muscles.

Those who took ashwagandha had significantly greater gains in muscle strength and size. Research has shown that it improves the body composition and increases strength.

Ashwagandha enhances cortisol-mediated effects plus other muscle-building measures. Cortisol is considered a catabolic hormone, which stimulates muscle breakdown. This is done by increasing the amount of energy available in the body in times of need, as the body can use amino acids (the building blocks of muscles) as fuel. High cortisol levels also slow testosterone production.

Ashwagandha is used traditionally as a tonic for vitality, then it could be a great vegan supplement for the energy and strength need it to work out in the gym with ease.

This natural herb going to give you enough energy and vitality to work out with success by enhancing your strength and stamina. Making the training easier and more pleasant.

It provides great strength to the body, which may help in fighting fatigue, and maintaining energy all day long.

Safed Musli promotes muscle growth, recovery, and tissue restoration, making it a great vegan building supplement ideal to use in the body-building process.

Safed Musli has long been used to treat a range of male sexual disorders, especially if related to low testosterone levels. As a natural bodybuilding herb, Safed Musli, however, does more than raise testosterone levels, this herb helps to raise human growth hormone (HGH) levels according to some clinical investigations. This hormone can help to speed up healing after an injury and repair muscle tissue after exercise.

It is one of the top Ayurvedic herbs for muscle building, it is well known to raise energy levels and increase strength. Shatavari contains high levels of the amino acid asparagine, which plays a very important role in the synthesis of protein. Studies show that taking asparagine can increase muscle growth and increase sports performance by delaying the onset of fatigue, allowing you to exercise longer. It helps in achieving that ripped look and rectifying the damaged cells as well.

It contains steroidal saponins that can boost testosterone levels. This herb is a rich source of antioxidants and other bioactive phytochemicals like flavonoids and saponins. It is popular with bodybuilders because of its rich nutritional profile, including vitamins A, C, E, K, B complex, binding proteins, and antibodies. It is also loaded with amino acids that can absorb excess salt and water in the body and also flushes out urine.

This herb act as a substance that can enhance physical performance and improve body composition. Tongkat Ali is often claimed to boost athletic performance and increase muscle mass because its compounds called quassinoids, including eurycomaoside, eurycolactone, and eurycomanone, which may help the body use energy more efficiently, reduce fatigue, and improve endurance.

A small, 5-week study in 14 men participating in a strength training program found that those who took 100 mg of Tongkat Ali extract per day experienced significantly greater increases in lean body mass than those taking a placebo, they also lost more fat. In another 5-week study in 25 active older adults was discovered that supplementing with 400 mg of Tongkat Ali extract daily significantly increased muscular strength. I personally consider the extract of this herb one of the best muscle growth supplements you can take.

This powerful herb has been traditionally used for centuries as a remedy for age-related male disorders. Testosterone and other male hormones are known to decrease with age which can result in a condition known as "andropause". Symptoms can include a lack of energy, a decrease in libido, increased body fat, and mental lethargy.

Many studies show that this root contains compounds that stimulate libido, promote sperm motility and semen quality, and support muscle growth - all effects that are attributed to an increase in testosterone. The hormonal support provided by Tongkat Ali can also increase male fertility by promoting normal sperm quality.

10 herbs to build your muscles fast naturally in 2020

It is almost unique among plants because it holds a complete buffet of protein and antioxidants. Moringa oleifera is so beneficial for bones and so for muscle growth. It's worth it for your growing up your muscles as it contains a bucket full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that usefully work on muscle growth.

Moringa oleifera leaves contain almost 25% protein, which is unusually high for a plant, and 9 essential amino acids that make it a complete source of protein, supporting the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. Moringa's high protein content makes it particularly beneficial for vegans and vegetarians who may find it difficult to get enough protein.

Ginseng has been shown to increase protein synthesis in the muscles by encouraging the retention of nitrogen. The more nitrogen present in the muscles, the more protein it can store. Panax Ginseng is one of the most popular herbal dietary supplements worldwide and has been shown to increase muscle efficiency and aerobic capacity.

Ginsenosides are the active ingredients in Panax ginseng and they perform similarly to anabolic steroids, preventing adrenal over-stimulation and excess corticosteroid production. Similar to anabolic steroids (but without all the harmful side effects and addiction), natural anabolic supplements as Panax Ginseng will help amplify protein synthesis in the muscle by encouraging nitrogen retention there—the more nitrogen the muscle can hold, the higher the amount of protein the muscle will be able to store.  

Anabolism is the process of using simple substances to build up and create more complex materials of living tissue. In the case of muscle building, it is the taking of amino acids to make proteins that builds up muscles. Anabolic supplements also prevent catabolism (the breakdown of tissue) by decreasing cortisol—a hormone responsible for tearing down muscle.

Panax ginseng is most often used to provide a stimulating action on the body, while the American Ginseng form is used for enhancing recovery and calming.

Another type of ginseng is the Siberian ginseng which is recognized for its ability to increase energy. As a stimulant, Siberian ginseng may increase the ability of muscles to do work, especially during periods of intense physical activity. One study found that consuming 800 milligrams of Siberian ginseng a day for 8 weeks increased a male subject’s endurance time by 23 percent, peak oxygen saturation by 12 percent, and highest heart rate by 3 percent.

Maca root extract is a popular ingredient inculded in many male enhancement supplements due to its ability to enhance muscle gain, endurance, and increase energy. If you want to strengthen your body, you have to exercise and move, and for this you need energy. One of the properties of Maca is that it enhances energy, but it does so in a balanced way, unlike caffeine, carbohydrates, or sugar. It gives you increased endurance and muscular stamina which allows you to work out longer and more intensely.

Maca root has been shown to increase energy levels and physical performance, which could promote muscle-building and curviness. It has both, anabolic and androgenic properties, which will help you to quickly recovery after workout, what make it perfect to combine with regular exercise and a nutritious diet.

Tribulus Terrestris is a very popular bodybuilding herb included in the ingredients of supplements and medicines of Ayurveda. It is known to support muscle mass and improve endurance levels. It is also known to provide a fresh burst of oxygen supply to the blood circulation and helps in keeping the tissues hydrated. This herb is very popular in books with diets and advice for muscle building as The Skinny-Fat Solution.

Extracts of this herb can help to boost anaerobic muscle power, also raising testosterone levels, as shown in a study conducted by Lithuanian researchers. Building muscle mass and strength is to a large extent dependent on levels of the male hormones testosterone and androsterone. 

10 herbs to build your muscles fast naturally in 2020

Taking daily supplementation of purified Shilajit will help to maintain your muscle strength for longer. It is a good supplement to support your muscle and connective tissue adaptations. A study published in the journal Androgolia revealed significant improvements in total testosterone, free testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS) in the healthy volunteers ages 45-55 years old that were given purified Shilajit for 90 days. Testosterone is the primary male hormone responsible for the development of male sexual organs.

However, it also is essential in the development and growth of bone mass and muscle for both men and women, as well as the maintenance of brain function and energy. As we age, testosterone levels naturally decline, which can contribute to decreased sexual function, low libido, reduced semen production in men, hair loss, loss of bone and muscle mass, fatigue, weight gain, mood fluctuations, and sleep difficulties.

Shilajit is a powerful energy booster in Ayurvedic medicine because of its fulvic acid content, which contains approximately 45% oxygen. The high oxygen content of fulvic acid may help to offset the negative effects of exercise. During exercise, both lactic acid and carbon dioxide increase muscle soreness and loss of breath respectively.

Another added health benefit of Shilajit's fulvic acid is that it increases the delivery of minerals and nutrients into and out of cells. In addition, during exercise, oxidation occurs and fulvic acid is a powerful antioxidant that helps to scavenge free radicals. All of these factors support greater muscle endurance, stamina and performance.

Some tips for muscle recovery

Gamma-Aminobutyric acid is an amino acid produced naturally in the brain. GABA functions as a neurotransmitter, facilitating communication among brain cells. GABA also plays an important role in regulating muscle tone. In combination with glutamate, the body’s most important excitatory neurotransmitter, GABA is an important contributor to the body’s overall mental and physical homeostasis, or balance.

One study found that taking a GABA supplement led to a 400% increase in HGH at rest and a 200% increase following exercise. HGH helps to maintain, build, and repair healthy tissue in the brain and other organs. This hormone can help to speed up healing after an injury and repair muscle tissue after exercise. This helps to build muscle mass, boost metabolism, and burn fat. HGH is also said to benefit the quality and appearance of the skin.

GABA is found naturally in varieties of green, black, and oolong tea, as well as in fermented foods including kefir, yogurt, and tempeh. Other foods contain GABA or may boost its production in the body, including whole grains, fava beans, soy, lentils, and other beans; nuts including walnuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds; fish including shrimp and halibut; citrus, tomatoes, berries, spinach, broccoli, potatoes, and cocoa.

A Chi Generator pulsing the Life force at the frequency 1.0 Hz helps to increase the production of HGH during the sleep; the frequencies 0.1-1 Hz are Organ/muscle resonances. The model PFC and Performer 2400 are popular because you can select on them, the specific frequency of the pulse of life force.

Sleeping in a bedroom with abundant Life Force energy is beneficial for your recovery, health, and beauty because your cells will have enough vitality to build your body perfectly and regenerate it during sleep.

I love to meditate in a forest because the Life force energy there is pretty abundant, this is because everything alive attracts and expel this energy generating a revitalizing flow. Big Trees attract and expel this energy much more than any other living being increasing the movement and this accelerated flow is very beneficial. It supplies the cells with more vitality and they can do a much better job during sleep.

This is why I suggest to introduce the PCF 10X or Performer 2400 in your bedroom pulsing the Chi energy at the frequency of 1.0 Hz during sleep. Also, introduce some plants there. In this article are the plants that stand out for their high production of abundant oxygen and because they clean the air pretty well. For more information about these devices, you can meet us on Skype, or just write us an email to plana meeting to


Always consult your doctor before you begin taking a supplement or make any changes to your existing medication and supplement routine. This is not medical advice, but it is information you can use as a conversation starter with your physician.

I hope this compilation of vegan natural supplements for muscle growth helps you as it helped me. The herbs I am taking right now from this article are Ashwagandha, Maca, Spirulina, and Shilajit. I have also published another interesting article with 10 great Tips to have a lot of energy naturally that will facilitate your training.

Please share this article with that person you think will benefit from this information I gathered for you and subscribe to my newsletter in order to receive news about the upcoming articles regarding fitness, health, and personal development.

Thank you for being here !




I am Cristian Jordan, author of this blog where I am sharing the best habits, products and nutrients, to promote the preservation of your body. 

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