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Diabetes Control Laser Watch
  • Diabetes Control Laser Watch


    Semiconductor Laser Watch for stroke rehabilitation and Diabetes control. It helps to reduce hypertension, hyperglycemia, high blood viscosity, hyperlipidemia, prevent heart attack, thrombosis and stroke, cure rhinitis, tinnitus and more.


    It is very easy to use, without pain, no side effects and very beneficial for overall health because improves the circulation of the blood and the distribution of oxygen and nutrients around the body.


    This semiconductor laser therapy instrument has 4 different laser beans. The red lasers irradiate circulating blood in the left wrist's acupoint to clean the blood. The blue beam has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties, the yellow one promotes absorption of vitamins and other nutrients and the green one promotes blood vessel oxygenation.


    It is recommended to use twice a day for 30 minutes on the left arm only where the heart meridian acupoints are located and includes a nasal cavity that imrpoves oxygen distribution to cure rhinnits and prevent strokes.


    With one year warranty and 15 days of delivery.

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